Lunenburg United Methodist Charge


Antioch UMC                                                           Williams UMC


On our walk. . . . .                 

November 14, 2007

Pastor’s Message –


"Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve the Lord.  And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose today whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land we dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


We have a responsibility to our church!  The legendary University of Oklahoma football coach, Charles Burnham "Bud" Wilkinson (1915 - 1994), once described his game as "50,000 people who desperately need exercise watching 22 men who desperately need rest."  Unfortunately, that seems to be the situation that exists in many of our churches today.  It would appear that we live in an era where everyone is looking for someone else to do the jobs necessary for us to function as a church.  Of course, it does not have to be that way!

Listen to the Apostle Paul describe the way it should be, found in Romans 12:4-5 (NLT): "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body.  We are all parts of His one body, and each of us has different work to do.  And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others."

We need to find our area of service! Our spiritual gift is what the Apostle Paul describes here as our "part" in the body of Christ, which is the Church!  Once we know what our spiritual gift is, we also know what our area of service is!  If our gift is teaching, then we are responsible for teaching in the church!  If our gift is generosity, then we should be giving above and beyond what is required to the church.  If our gift is leadership, then we should be in a place of leadership in the church.  We could go on and on; but, suffice it to say, we are responsible to find our area of service to Almighty God; and, then, to begin serving in that area.


In closing, we have a responsibility to the world in which we live.  Jesus, the Christ, gave it to us Himself, in Matthew 28:18-20 and it is known as the "Great Commission:"  "...All power is given to Me in Heaven and in Earth.  Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

God Bless


Upcoming Events – November 14 – November 21, 2007


Saturday, November 17, 2007

   Antioch Men @ Parsonage @ 8:00 AM Cut and Deliver Wood to a family in need

Monday, November 19, 2007

   Bible Study@ Antioch’s @ 7:00 PM

Tuesday, November 20, 2007  

   Bible Study@ Audrey Smith’s @ 10:00 AM

Wednesday, November21, 2007

   Thanksgiving Services @Williams UMC@7:00PM


Worship Events—November 18, 2007

  Service Theme: Jesus; Warnings

 This week’s reading will be: Sermon Text     Luke 21:5-19

                                               Hebrew Text      Isaiah 12: 1-6

Pianists:   Leigh Anne Bacon

                Nancy Turner


Thanksgiving Eve Services.


Thanksgiving Eve services will take place Wednesday, November 21 at 7:00pm at Williams                                 

UMC.  All are invited to this time of thanksgiving.


Masquerade Ball.


Saturday saw the Williams Youth Masquerade Ball. There were 14 people in attendance and by the  time the evening ended all were tired. The reason for the tiredness was that all, children and the adults had danced the night away in their masquerade ball costumes. Refreshments were in abundance and the ballroom was decorated with floating candles and masks and costumes hanging on the walls. The dancing was superb. All had a great time. Watch for the next adventure for the Williams Youth Group


Antioch Administrative Board Notes


The Administrative Board of Antioch UMC met on Tuesday, November 13 at 7:00pm.

             Wayne Hendricks presented a plan to close in the picnic shed and turn it into a fellowship hall.  After some discussion it was decide that Wayne was to look into expanding the facility to include water and toilet facilities.  He is to report back to the Board when his investigation is done.

              Earl Callis reported that he is investigating insurance coverage for the church as the assessment has gone up, therefore replacement costs have also risen.

              The Board voted to move the funds in the Youth Group fund to the Building Fund as there has been no activity there in the recent past and we are incurring fees which are slowly diminishing the fund.



Williams Administrative Board Notes


The Administrative Board of Williams UMC met on Sunday, November 11.

             A request to move the start time for Worship from 9:45 to 9:30 am was voted on and accepted.  The new start time will take place on December 2.

              The problem of the old wooden tables was brought up and the Board decided to purchase new tables for the Fellowship Hall.  This will make moving tables a lot easier to accommodate all the activities going on.

              The Board voted to receive bids on adding central air and heat to the facility.  It was felt this needed to be done as the church is becoming more active year round and the current services are not sufficient for those activities.

               The Board approved the establishment of a Prayer Chapel in what is now the library.  To assist with this project they have approved the purchase of a brass cross and candlestick set.


Just a note to all: If you are a member of either of the churches on the charge it is your responsibility to attend the Administrative Board meetings of your church.  These meetings are used to make decisions about what is going to take place in the running of your church.  If you feel that it is not necessary to attend and be heard then when decisions and plans are made by the Board, then realize that those decision and plans will be voted on and put into action by the voting members in attendance as they are the governing body.  The future of your church can be left to a small group of people or it can be left to you as a member of a larger group.  The choice is yours.


Evangelism Committee to Meet


The Antioch Evangelism Committee will meet on Tuesday, December 4 @ 7:30 @ Antioch.  The discussion will be on developing plans for the coming year.          


Family Ministries Committee to Meet


The Family Ministries Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 20 @ 7:30 @ Antioch. The discussion will be on planning A Night in Bethlehem.


It’s Time to Decorate

Join us on November 25th for an afternoon of food and fun.  The members will decorate the Sanctuary for the Advent Season and enjoy a luncheon of barbeque.  There will be plenty for all and a lot of fun as we prepare for the coming Advent Season by decorating the Chrismon tree.  Please put this time on your schedule and let’s see everybody there.


150th Anniversary Throws   Throws are still available. These beautiful throws will make a great present for a family member. Our supply is running low – about 5-6 left.  The cost is $45.00 each.  Please call Jane DiStefano if you would like to order a throw or have any questions.  434-676-2314


Cookbooks are still available.  The Administrative Board has authorized the Cookbook Committee to order an additional 400 copies. If you would like to obtain copies for the upcoming Christmas Season please contact Susan Moseley at 676-2081, Gayle Grant at 676-3531, Trudy Wilkins at 676-4458, or anyone at Antioch.  Any church member can get a copy to you for $10 each.


Brunswick Stew   On Saturday, November 17, Williams UMC will be cooking a stew.  It should be ready between 11 and 12 noon. If you would like to order please contact any member of Williams UMC.


Sunday School is available each Sunday morning.  The importance of Sunday School is that, though you may think hearing the word will suffice for you, you really need to be in attendance at Sunday School to gather all the information that you can in an open discussion classroom.  Jesus’ word cannot be totally understood just by listening to a sermon.  You have to interact with it and with other Christians to learn what He was saying to us.  This is a life long study and you should take part.  There is a class for every age so please plan on joining us to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.   Sunday School at Williams begins at 10:45 AM and at Antioch at 10:00 AM.


Evening Bible Study. Evening Bible study will continue on November 5, at 7:00PM. We will be continuing to read and study Exodus with a particular look at the historical view of the writers.  If you would like to join us come on over, Monday @ 7:00PM at Antioch. The reading assignment for this week is Leviticus 1-10.



The Methodist Way


Some people in the Bible Belt say they want their Bible unvarnished.  "I'll take my Bible straight."  One problem with that approach is that even my reading of the Bible goes through the filters of my sinfulness.  No wonder.  I can prove pretty much what I want to by quoting Bible verses picked out to confirm my point!  Second Peter 3: 16 addresses the same point: speaking of the letters of Paul, the writer says, "There are some things in them hard to under­stand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures."


The earliest Methodists in this country passed on to us the central importance of remaining immersed in the Scriptures.  Francis Asbury, one of the first two bishops of Methodism in America, wrote on August 26, 1779:

This morning, I ended the reading my Bible through, in about four months.  It is hard work for me to find time for this; but all I read and write, I owe to early rising.  If I were nor to rise always by five, and sometimes at four o'clock, I should have no time only to eat my breakfast, pray in the family, and get ready for my journey-as I must travel every day.

We must travel too. Life is a journey for each of us. The Bible provides not so much a detailed map for that journey as it does a compass: directions that move us closer to God and to neighbor.


                                      “Being Methodist in the Bible Belt” F. Belton Joyner, Jr.



If you cannot reach Rev. Ed at the parsonage, you may call him on his cell phone:  252-532-0952.  He can also be reached via e-mail at .   If you would like to receive e-mail messages from the pastor send an e-mail to him at and we will add you to our list.


Please keep the following families in your prayers:

Marjorie Thompson

Allen Green

Bertha Arthur

Sarah Agnes Callis

Rev. Al Green

Paul & Argy Turner

Bobby & Virginia Overby

Barry Fitzpatrick

Jeff Hendricks

Rev. & Mrs. Robert Day

Kevin Cassada

Nathan Hendricks

Earl "Chuckie” Barnes

Christian Sutton

Maria Kay

Edna & Wilson Bagley

Sheila Cage

Frances Hawthorne

Family of Paul Rhyne

Virginia King

David King

“B” & Teewah Hayes

Sara Sutton

Tommy Cage

Elizabeth Biggerstaff

Bernard Bottoms

Our Military

Becky Eades & boys

Wanda Chumney

Kitty Springer

Harry & Margaret Smith

Jack Heater

Grace DiStefano

Marvin L. Crutchfield

Kathy Barnhill

Eddie Slagle

Walter B. Moseley & Family



If you have anyone who is in need of prayer, please place their names on the Prayer List and lift up their names in prayer during worship service and throughout the week.



In the Library


A Life God Rewards: Why Everything You do Today Matters Forever

by Bruce Wilkinson, David Kopp




    From Our Editors

Christians who are curious about the hereafter and what they can expect from it will be educated and comforted by this entry in Dr. Bruce Wilkinson's Breakthroughs series. Wilkerson, the man behind the bestsellers The Prayer of Jabez and Secrets of the Vine, here shows how the Bible presents a surprisingly vivid picture of what comes after death, and explains how Christians can make the most of the experience by being closer to God now.

From the Publisher

We know instinctively that we're heading for an eternity of something after death. But an eternity of what? In this soul-stirring follow-up to his runaway bestsellers The Prayer of Jabez and Secrets of the Vine, Bruce Wilkinson leads you to some astonishing and entirely biblical answers about the hereafter. He gives a fresh view of the eternal existence you're investing in right now-showing why it's worth it (at a thousand percent return on investment) to serve God with all your heart for all your life!

Author Biography: Dr. Bruce Wilkinson is the author of the bestselling The Prayer of Jabez, Secrets of the Vine, Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs, and numerous other books. Bruce and his wife, Darlene, live in Atlanta, Georgia, and have three children and four grandsons.



The Walk to Emmaus


This week we continue our new series about “The Walk to Emmaus”.  The following information comes from “What Is Emmaus?” We hope you find it informative and we hope it clears up any misconception there may be about the Walk to Emmaus

Rev Ed


What Will Be Expected of Me?

I enjoyed the time during my Walk because I was respected for where I was in my Christian faith. I was not expected to be at a different place, either before, during, or after the weekend.

-Layperson from New Mexico

Be yourself   No one is asked to sing a solo, make a speech, or bare themselves spiritually before the community. No one is expected to be pious, saintly, or have a thorough knowledge of the Bible. Participants are expected only to be honest, to participate fully, and to respond genuinely to the message of the Walk as it unfolds.


Come with openness to the message of the three days, to others, and to God. Emmaus is not the place for observers and spectators.


Be present for the whole three-day course. Each component of the Walk is important and plays a part in conveying the overall message. Each participant becomes an indispensable member of the three-day community and of his or her table group. If it is impossible for you to be present for the entire 72 hours, wait for a date when full participa­tion is possible.


Leave your world behind for 72 hours. Emmaus is a time apart with God. Participants are asked to work out their affairs ahead of time to really be away for all three days without interruption, to remain on site the entire time, and to refrain from making telephone calls to home or work except in case of emergency.




Remember: The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.


Have a Blessed Week