On our walk. . . . . . . . . . .                                   April 1, 2007


Pastor’s Message –


I just received this obituary and I thought I would pass it on to you.


Dated 33AD


Calvary. Jerusalem, Israel


Jesus Christ, 33, of Nazareth, Died Friday on Mt Calvary. Jesus had been betrayed by a loyal follower. He was crucified by the direction of the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate after a lengthy hearing before the High Priests, King Herod and the Governor. The cause of death was crucifixion, exhaustion, and loss of blood.


Jesus was a descendant of Abraham, and a member of the house of David.. He was the son of the late carpenter, Joseph, and his devoted Mother, Mary. He was born under strange circumstances in the town of Bethlehem. He is survived by His mother, Mary, His faithful Apostles and numerous disciple and followers.


Jesus was self educated and spent most of his adult life working as a Teacher.  He, occasionally, worked in the medical field healing many patients. Up until His death Jesus was sharing the Good News, healing the sick, touching the lonely, feeding the hungry and helping the poor.


Jesus was well noted for telling parables about His Father’s Kingdom and performing miracles. Among the miracles He was noted for were the feeding of 5000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish and healing a man who was born blind.


On the day before His death he hosted a Passover Supper. It was to be His Last upper on this earth. It was during the this meal He told His Apostles about His coming death and of a new covenant He had forged with His Father.


Upon His death His body was quickly removed and He was buried in a tomb given by Joseph of Arimathea, a close family friend. By order of the Governor guards were placed at the tomb and a stone was rolled in front of it to stop anybody from removing the body.


In lieu of flowers the family and the Apostles request that we all live a life like Jesus.




God Bless!

                                                                                       Rev. Ed


Upcoming Events – April 1- 16


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

   Bible Study @ Parsonage @ 10:00 AM

   Lay Leadership (Nominating ) Committee @7:00 pm @ Antioch


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

   Prayer Meeting @ Williams @ 5:45 PM

   Choir Practice @ Williams @ 6:30 PM


Saturday, April 14, 2007

   Parsonage Stew Sale at Antioch

   Youth Group Meeting @ William’s


Monday April 16, 2007

   150th Anniversary Committee Mtg @ Antioch  @7:00pm


Holy Week Services:


April 5 --- Maundy Thursday @ Williams @ 7:00pm


April 6 --- Good Friday, Tenebrae @ Williams @ 7:00 pm


April 8 --- Easter Sunrise @ Antioch @ 6:30 am

                      Services will be held out side.


                   Regular services @ 9: 45 and 11:00 am



The Service of Tenebrae, or “Darkness” is based on a twelfth century, late night service. It is an extended meditation of the passion of Christ service of readings done primarily in a dimly lit sanctuary. It is quite moving and it should be a moving time for all. Please join us at William’s.



Sunday School is available each Sunday morning.  There is a class for every age so please plan on joining us to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Sunday School at Williams begins at 10:45 AM and at Antioch at 10:00 AM. 



Sign Up Sheets are in the library for Disciple, Becoming disciples through Bible Study. This is a 36 week program of reading, discussion and activities that will help you to become disciple for Christ through reading the Bible. Please select a time preference when you sign up so we can plan on when we will hold this program if there is enough interest.


If you cannot reach Rev. Ed at the parsonage, you may call him on his cell phone:  252-532-0952.  He can also be reached via e-mail at revedumc@yahoo.com   


If you would like to receive e-mail messages from the pastor, please sign up in the Library or send an e-mail to him at revedumc@yahoo.com.




The Lay Leadership (Nominating) Committee of Antioch will meet on Tuesday, April 10 at 7:00 PM.  This meeting is to nominate members for our new Worship Committee. All members and ex-officio members are urged to attend.



Vacation Bible School  There are rumors that there will be a Vacation Bible School this year in the Lunenburg Charge. Be watching “On Our Walk” for further information. I will pass it on as I get it.




Please keep the following families in your prayers:

Earl "Chuckie” Barnes

Lona Parham

Willie Doty

Edna & Wilson Bagley

Sara A. Callis

Sheila Cage

“B” & Teewah Hayes

Audrey Smith

Tommy Cage

Frances Hawthorne

Sara Sutton

Rawlings Family

Dave Barnes Family

Lisa Emerson

 Patricia Dix

Marjorie Thompson

Bertha Arthur

Lucy Gay Nash

Grace Marshall

Kenny Cassada

 Charlotte Webb

Betty Thompson

Gertrude Hite

Mel Sites

Lisa Emmerson

Lois Southall

Jack Holt

John Smith’s Family

Ron Halbrook

Mae Overby

Aaron Gunn Family

Allie Daniel

Jack Holt

Jonathan Holder

Dorothy Driskill

Vernon Gee

If you have anyone who is in need of prayer, please send an e-mail and let us know.


In the Library:



by Marjorie Holmes
Continuing where Three from Galilee: The Young Man from Nazareth left off, Marjorie Holmes now recounts Christ's life from the beginning of his ministry to his trial and crucifixion.




We are called to be witnesses for Jesus, not lawyers or judges!!!


Have a blessed week