Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Monday, September 20th

Bible Study @ the Parsonage—7:00 PM (Matthew 27)

Tuesday, September 21st

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s —10:00 AM (Matthew 28)

Finance Committee @ Antioch—7:00 PM

UMW—8:00 PM

Wednesday, September 22nd

Prayer Meeting @ Williams—5:45 PM

Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM

Finance Committee @ Williams—7:00 PM

Sunday, September 26th

Lay Leadership @ Williams—9:00 AM


Our Labor of Love!

Special thanks to everyone who has been working with the Growth Team over the last few months.  Through prayer, conversation and studying scripture, we have determined that the labor of love God has called us to is: to welcome people into a congregation and community pursuing relevant faith.


The Growth Team and Administrative Board have decided on some great next steps for us.  Here’s how we will be welcoming:

-Capital Improvements:  With the aid of a generous donation, we will be pursuing two projects in our church building.  First, we will be rewiring the sanctuary lights so that we can install brighter bulbs to better illuminate the sanctuary.  Second, we are forming a committee to decide how best to make our church accessible to individuals in wheelchairs without compromising the historical beauty of the building.  If you are interested in helping make this a reality, talk with Pastor Andrew.

-Community Events:  We have also committed to welcoming the community into our church through quarterly events, such as musical presentations.  We have established a team to plan, promote and lead these events, and if you are interested in being a part of this group, please contact Pastor Andrew.

-Greeters:  In order to be more welcoming to everyone who joins us on Sunday morning, the Growth Team determined that having greeters at the door each Sunday would be a good step.  If you are interested in serving as a greeter once a month, please talk with Pastor Andrew.

-Church Cook-Out:  Finally, we are planning to be more welcoming as a church family. Our first step will be a cook-out after worship on October 3rd.  We hope that you will plan to come and bring a side dish and a friend!

The second part of our labor of love is a commitment to pursuing relevant faith.  Relevant Faith is faith that matters in life.  In order to be relevant, we have found some great ways to reach out to those around us and grow within our own community.

-Food Bank and Emergency Aid:  We have committed to partner with Kenbridge United Methodist Church and Lunenburg County Ministries to help the recently established Kenbridge UMC food bank reach more people.  Each month, we will be collecting non-perishable food items to contribute to the food bank.  This month, our collection will be next Sunday, September 26th.  All non-perishables are helpful, but the food bank especially needs dried milk, cereal, canned fruit and juice.  We have also committed to budget $150 in next year’s budget to help Lunenburg County Ministries with emergency needs that go beyond their established limits.

-Ministry in Mongolia: The Growth Team and Administrative Board have decided to partner with Charis Storms and the work that she is doing in Mongolia through committing $50/month towards her ministry as well as sending regular packages with items both for Charis and her ministry.  We are collecting cards and small items for our first package today!  If you have something that you want to include but do not have it with you, talk with Joy Daigle Book.

-Children’s Ministry: We have made a commitment to expand our children’s ministry to include either a weekly children’s Sunday School or a weekly optional Children’s Church (where children would be invited after the children’s sharing to participate in a worship time geared to help them learn about God and worship).  In the coming weeks, we will be talking with the parents in the Antioch community about how we can best work to develop relevant faith in their children’s lives. 

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas about our labor of love, please talk with Pastor Andrew.  These are exciting times at Antioch!  We hope that the entire congregation will join in our   labor of love through your prayers and participation.  May God be glorified in our church!










Rev. Andrew Book, Pastor

Church Office and Parsonage — (434) 676-2314

3311 South Hill Road, Kenbridge, VA 23944


Sunday Worship Services

Williams UMC 9:30 am                      Antioch  UMC 11:00 am
