Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Sunday, September 18th

3rd Sunday Lunch @ Williams—12:30 PM

PPRC @ Williams—1:15 PM

Wednesday, September 21st

Prayer @ Williams—5:45 PM

Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM

Thursday, September 22nd

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s (Romans 11-13)—10:00 AM

Pastor-Parrish Relations Committee (PPRC)

The PPRC will be meeting today at 1:15 at Williams Church.  All PPRC members are strongly encouraged to attend and are welcome to join the Williams community for lunch!

Do you know someone who wants to learn to read?

Lunenburg Literacy is an organization that is committed to helping the people of our community learn to read, so if you know someone who would like to learn to read, have them make the confidential call at 434-321-7069.


Outreach Opportunities!

· Throughout the rest of the summer, the Southside Gleaning Network will be in the fields gleaning food for the hungry in our community.  We only receive notice a day or two in   advance, so if you are interested in being notified when a gleaning opportunity arises, talk to Pastor Andrew or email Martha Reed at Martha.Reed@southside.edu.


 · The day-long mission trip to Gloucester previously scheduled for August 27th has been rescheduled for September 24th due to weather. If you are interested in going please talk with Brenda Barnes by September 20th.

· The Friends of the Edisto district mission team will making their fall trip to Ridgeville, South Carolina the week of October 9-15.  This is a long standing and very rewarding  mission of the Farmville District.  It is a great opportunity for anyone interested in becoming active in missions to take a first step.  Please talk with Pastor Andrew if you are interested in more information or receiving an application to go on the trip!














































Rev. Andrew Book, Pastor

Church Office and Parsonage — (434) 676-2314

3311 South Hill Road, Kenbridge, VA 23944


Sunday Worship Services

Williams UMC 9:30 am                      Antioch UMC 11:00 am