Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Tuesday, April 26th

Prayer Meeting @ Antioch—8:00 AM

Wednesday, April  27th

Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM

Prayer Meeting @ Williams—7:00 PM

Thursday, April 28th

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s (Acts 1-2)—10:00 AM

Saturday, April 30th

Community Workday @ Audrey Smith’s—9:00 AM

We’re not done Praying!

Throughout Lent, God has been teaching us a lot about what it means to be people of prayer and how our prayers impact our families, community, and world for Christ.  We have made some great steps towards becoming the “house of prayer” that Jesus wants his church to be (see Matthew 21:13) and are going to continue to grow in our lives of prayer.  Both prayer times (Tuesday morning at 8 AM at Antioch and Wednesday evening at 7 PM at Williams) will continue to meet, and you are all encouraged to join us!

Moving Beyond Easter

Our Thursday morning Bible study (10 AM) will begin looking at the book of Acts, which records the life of the early church after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus.  This is a great time to join us for the first time or come back after being away!





Outreach Opportunities!

Please participate in these events coming up in our community:

· Community Workday— Mark your calendars for April 30th.  We will be assisting Audrey Smith in some outdoor work! Plan to be a blessing! (If you know of others who could use our help, please tell Joy Daigle Book their name and project.)

· Relay for Life is May 21st at the Kenbridge Town Park.  Come out to support your friends and neighbors in this great cause!

· Wild Game Cook Out—Memorial Day Weekend.  If you can volunteer, please talk with Joy or Andrew Book.

· Kits for Annual Conference—Health Kits, School Kits, Baby/Layette Kits, and Birthing Kits will be collected.






Rev. Andrew Book, Pastor

Church Office and Parsonage — (434) 676-2314

3311 South Hill Road, Kenbridge, VA 23944


Sunday Worship Services

Williams UMC 9:30 am                      Antioch UMC 11:00 am


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