Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Tuesday, April 5th

Prayer Meeting @ Antioch—8:00 AM (followed by breakfast!)

Wednesday, April 6th

Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM

Prayer Meeting @ Williams—7:00 PM

Thursday, April 7th

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s—10:00 AM (Matthew 6; 14; 26:36-46)

Saturday, April 9th

Men’s Breakfast @ Williams—8:00 AM

Sunday, April 10th

Administrative Board and Lunch @ Antioch—12:00 PM

Church Lunch!

After worship next week the Antioch church community will be gathering for a pot-luck lunch.  We hope that you will plan to join us for a great time of food and fellowship!  We will also have a brief Administrative Board meeting.  Regardless of whether you are on the board, we hope to see you there!

Lenten Prayer

Throughout the Bible, when men and women became passionate about God’s kingdom, they would turn their efforts to prayer, and, as James tells us, “The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” (5:16).  If we want to see God working within our lives, our church, our families, and our community, then we need to turn to God in prayer.  We will be exploring prayer more deeply in the coming weeks during Bible Study, worship, prayer times, and our special Lenten Prayer Team.  Each of these opportunities is a chance for you to grow as a person of prayer, so we hope you will join us!  Talk with Pastor Andrew for more information.




Outreach Opportunities!

Please be on the lookout for more information regarding these events coming up in our community:

· Community Workday—Assisting a member of our  congregation in practical ways to let them know our love for them.  (If you know of someone who could use our help, please pass their name and project to Joy Daigle Book.)

· Relay for Life

· Wild Game Cook Out

· Kits for Annual Conference—Health Kits, School Kits, Baby/Layette Kits, and Birthing Kits will be collected.

